What's New In Go Button 3?

Try Before You Buy

Go Button is now free to use for one show. You can buy a Pro license at any time with an in-app purchase to unlock having unlimited shows. For organizations who cannot make use of in-app purchases, we also offer “Go Button Pro” in the App Store which is an up-front purchase. The standalone app “Go Button Pro” is identical to “Go Button” with the Pro License in-app purchase installed.

Export Entire Shows

You can now export a show including its associated audio files in a single .gobundle document. (Note: Music Library tracks must be synced separately.)


Send shows wirelessly to another device or Mac via AirDrop, Mail, and Messages.

Cloudy with a chance of Go Button

Import audio files into your Go Button Documents folder from cloud services like Dropbox, iCloud Drive, and Google Drive. Share copies of your complete shows across the same services. (Note: Bundled shows can include audio only from your Go Button Documents folder. Music Library tracks must be synced separately.)

Dynamic Type

Go Button now supports the system-wide font size setting in iOS Settings > General > Accessibility > Larger Text and scales the size of display text according to your device preferences. (Requires iOS 11+)

Elapsed Timer “Countdown” Mode

The show timer can now count down from a duration set in Show Settings > Elapsed Timer Start Time. Set the value to “00:00” to count up total elapsed time from zero.

Full Screen Mode

A new full screen mode for iPad gives you easy-to-read, large text view. Great for keeping track of your show on a device located offstage or far away.

Main Volume Control

Change the output volume of your show on-screen independently from your device volume.

MIDI Input

Use MIDI for remote control or to trigger specific cues. Go Button responds to MIDI Note On, Note Off, Controller, and Program Change messages as well as MIDI Show Control (MSC) messages GO, STOP, RESUME, LOAD, ALL_OFF, RESET, and STANDBY_+/-.


Go Button has a full-fledged OSC control API for remote triggering from QLab and other apps capable of sending OSC messages.

Remote Control Profiles

Profiles are the new way to assign which Go Button actions are triggered by your incoming remote control, Bluetooth, MIDI, and MSC commands. Create a separate profile for each of your remote controls and easily change which profile is active. Export copies of your favorite profiles to import on your other devices or to share with friends. Included are several predefined profiles for common remote control models which can be installed with just a tap.


The new oops remote control action stops and re-selects the most recently played cue.

Cue Triggers

Assign External Keyboard and MIDI command inputs to trigger a Start, Panic, or Stop on individual cues and hits. Add a Wall Clock trigger to automatically run at a specific time of day.

“Custom” Go Actions

The new “Custom” Go Action can target any cue in the cue list and adds 3 powerful options for advanced show programming: “Load to time”, “Select”, and “Start”.

Contact Support

Send us an email at any time from the Contact Support tool to ask questions, get help, provide feedback, and report bugs.

Cues and Hits

  • You can now increase the volume of a cue or hit by up to +12 dB.
  • You can adjust audio playback speed from 1/4x to 4x, with or without changing the pitch.
  • You can now set a pre-wait time to delay the start of any cue or hit.
  • All Go Actions that fade out can now have their own custom fade duration, independent from the cue’s Fade Out Time value.
  • Hits now support looping, multiple selection, and batch edit.
  • Hits are now available on all iOS devices, not just on iPad.

Show Settings

  • Double-GO protection: you can set an optional minimum time that must pass before allowing another GO.
  • Cue List Double-Tap Protection: you can optionally set Go Button to ignore double-taps on the cue list.
  • Continuous Show: you can optionally return to the first cue of a show after the last cue starts playing.
  • Shows keep track of their Created and Last Modified dates.

General Improvements

  • The GO button is now resizable and is easier to use when performing visual cues: press & hold to standby, release to GO.
  • You can swipe left and right on the show timer to switch between elapsed time and wall clock time. In Full Screen Mode on iPad, you can swipe to optionally hide either or both of the clocks.
  • You can now long-press on the Elapsed Show Timer to reset the timer.
  • Go Button now has the option to send “Now Playing” information to display on compatible remote devices and apps.
  • The waveform view adds a draggable auto-follow indicator to visualize and set the post-wait time.
  • You can now use “Shake Device” as a remote control trigger.
  • You can now use Go Button on iPad in split-screen mode.

Still have a question?

Our support team is always happy to help.

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09:21 AM