Keyboard Shortcuts

Go Button supports the following keyboard shortcuts when an external keyboard is connected to your iOS device.

Key Symbols

Symbol Meaning
Arrow Up / Down
Return or Enter


Unless indicated otherwise below, the following shortcuts are available on most Go Button screens:

Command Key
Cancel, dismiss screen, or close without saving.
⌘S or Done, or save and close.

On iPad, when an action sheet appears, type the first letter of an option to select it. For example, D selects “Duplicate Cue”, R selects “Renumber Cues”, etc.

Shows and Cue List

Command Key
⌘E Toggle in or out of Edit Mode.
⌘A Select all.
⌘⇧A Deselect all.
If one or more items are selected, deselect all.
If no items are selected, exit Edit Mode.
or Move selection.
⇧↑ or ⇧↓ Expand/contract selection.
Edit selected show or cue(s).
⌘⏎ Action button for selected show or cue(s).
⌘⌫ Delete selected show or cue(s).
⌘N New show / Add cue.

Cue Edit / Hit Edit

Command Key
If editing a text field, accept the input and dismiss the keyboard.
If not editing, exit Cue Edit without saving and dismiss screen.
⌘S Save changes and dismiss edit screen.

Media Picker

Command Key
Clear the active search, or dismiss the media picker.
Add the selected files (in multiple selection mode.)

Renumber Cue

Command Key
⌘S or Save and renumber.

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M-F 9am-7pm (ET)
Current time at our headquarters
12:09 AM