Go Button 3 Change Log

3.3.8 - October 21, 2024

FIXED: A bug that prevented re-opening the media picker after clearing the media file on the Edit screen.

FIXED: A bug that caused the on-screen keyboard to immediately dismiss when editing a text field on iOS 18.

FIXED: A bug that could cause audio waveform images to fail to render on iOS 18.

CHANGED: The audio waveform view is now hidden when editing a cue or hit that does not have a media file assigned to it, aka an “empty” cue or hit.

3.3.7 - September 9, 2024

FIXED: A bug that prevented the “missing media file” error from clearing after re-establishing a link to a Music library track.

FIXED: A crash that could occur when using the Tab key to navigate between Edit screen text fields.

FIXED: A crash that could occur when viewing the Documents tab in the media picker.

FIXED: Alert message text is no longer truncated on certain device sizes.

CHANGED: Cues and hits that have lost their link to a Music library track now display the error “missing music library item” to distinguish from “missing media file” errors for files expected to be in the app Documents folder.

CHANGED: Improves logging to help troubleshoot missing Music library tracks.

3.3.6 - October 5, 2023

FIXED: A crash that could occur when tapping on the cue list when “Cue List Double-Tap Protection” is enabled.

3.3.5 - September 12, 2023

FIXED: A display bug with hit buttons after resuming the app from the background.

FIXED: A licensing issue that could occur when launching while the device is offline.

3.3.4 - August 2, 2023

FIXED: A bug introduced in 3.3.3 that could prevent being able to save changes to cue Notes on iPad.

FIXED: The height of the Notes cell in the Edit screen on iPad.

FIXED: A bug that could cause an audible click when fading the volume of a cue louder than 0 dB.

FIXED: A bug that could cause the on-screen keyboard to remain visible after exiting the cue edit screen.

FIXED: Cues that are being ducked by another cue now remain at the same volume when resuming a paused show.

CHANGED: Improves the accuracy of cue volumes when set to above 0 dB.

CHANGED: Device auto-lock is now disabled while creating a show bundle for sharing.

CHANGED: OSC commands /version and /shows no longer require an OSC passcode.

ADDED: Required permission checks to grant local network access for OSC remote control.

ADDED: Compatibility for upcoming App Store certificate changes.

3.3.3 - April 25, 2023

FIXED: Fixes “Too many files open” errors in large shows on certain devices.

FIXED: A crash that could occur when using the Tab key to move focus out of a text field.

CHANGED: Several optimizations related to deleting cues.

ADDED: OSC commands /udpKeepAlive and synonym /forgetMeNot which allow a UDP client to request that Go Button persist its connection details regardless of any inactivity.

3.3.2 - April 13, 2023

FIXED: A display issue when resuming active after being in the background for a period of time.

FIXED: A bug that could prevent being able to paste cues on devices running iOS 16.1 and earlier.

3.3.1 - April 7, 2023

FIXED: Improves performance and loading time for shows that use a large number of hits.

FIXED: A bug that broke being able to paste cues on devices running iOS 16.1 and earlier.

FIXED: The Wall Clock timer now reflects Daylight Saving Time correctly.

3.3.0 - April 5, 2023

★ ADDED: Cue settings to stop, resume, and reset the elapsed show timer.

★ ADDED: An app preference to choose whether hits play on touch down, touch up, or the current “mixed” behavior.

★ ADDED: Light mode color theme, perfect for use outdoors or in bright conditions.

★ ADDED: Swipe to hide the elapsed show timer and/or wall clock in Full Screen Mode on iPad.

ADDED: Support for setting a larger or smaller UI text size.

ADDED: Support for batch editing cue start & end times.

ADDED: Support for playing audio from certain video file formats.

ADDED: Certain custom go actions can now target “All Cues” and “All Hits”.

ADDED: Remote control actions to dim, undim, mute, and unmute the main volume.

ADDED: OSC commands /timer/elapsed {number} and /timer/duration {number}. (OSC command /timer {number} is removed in favor of these new commands.)

ADDED: OSC commands /timer/reset/elapsed and /timer/reset/duration.

ADDED: OSC /uniqueIDs and /shallow variants to return less data from /cueLists and /runningCues commands.

ADDED: Support for receiving OSC 1.1 data types “True” and “False” for OSC methods that accept boolean values.

ADDED: Remote control profiles for “Audio Ape Pro” and “Media Monkey” by Audio Ape Remote.

CHANGED: Faster response time for hits.

CHANGED: Attempting to load a malformed audio file is now successful in more cases.

CHANGED: Better performance when exporting and importing show bundles.

CHANGED: The “Fade Out / Pause” go action no longer requires resuming the cue. Instead, the “Fade to %” and “Fade to dB” go actions now resume a paused cue and can be inserted where needed.

CHANGED: Preferences can now be reset to the factory default settings.

FIXED: A bug that prevented importing a show if a .gobutton file with the same name already existed in the “Autosaves” folder.

FIXED: A bug that could cause Full Screen Mode on iPad to jitter between font sizes.

FIXED: A bug that could cause the GO button to display the incorrect text after triggering an “Exit Loop” go action.

FIXED: A bug that allowed an invalid OSC Passcode to be set in the Sidebar > OSC Control Settings.

FIXED: A bug on iPad that could cause the screen to remain dimmed and unresponsive after sharing a show.

FIXED: Restores the search bar that had gone missing from the Music tab of the Media Picker.

FIXED: Several fixes to the OSC command /replyFormat.

FIXED: Timestamps in Show Settings are now displayed in the correct time zone.

Requires iOS 15 or later.

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