Improves the response time of Hits.
Improves stability when exporting a show bundle that contains very large audio files.
The remote control action "Play/Pause Selected Cue" now starts a cue that is not yet running instead of only toggling an already-running cue.
The default title for cues using Music library tracks with a "." in their name.
An issue with loading-to-time in a cue that has a Pre Wait.
An issue with "Renumber Cues" when incrementing by a decimal value.
Refines iPad Full Screen Mode, with the title of the on-deck cue now up to 2.5x larger.
Changing the selected cue while a show is paused no longer unpauses the show.
The show player "Stop" button (or long-press on "Pause") now performs a "panic", which fades out and stops all running Cues & Hits over the panic duration defined in Show Settings. Double-tapping "Stop" or "Pause" immediately stops all without fading.
Adds quick access to edit Show Settings from inside the show player.
Adds remote control support for certain Bluetooth numeric keypads.